Sunday, August 15, 2010

Coupon Previews!

This is an awesome website that will send you weekly coupon previews! This allows you to know what coupons are going to be in your Sunday paper! This is an excellent planning tool when planning your weekly shopping and budget! I LOVE these peviews and I have found them very helpful and hope that you do too! Here is the link, just follow it and be in the know!!


This is a cool new way to save money on things you may be spending money on anyway! I suggest you check it out and join for FREE if you are interested! I did! Just follow the link below and check it out!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

FREE one-size cloth diaper

Receive a FREE one-size cloth diaper with a $35 purchase from (see link on side of page) Use code AUGNEWS at checkout!

Kelly's Closet chooses brand and style of free one-size diaper. Limit one code per order. Limit one use per customer/household. Exp. 8/31/10

Back to School Savings....

Anyone who knows me well most likely knows that my favorite store for kids clothes is The Children's Place ... with their awesome sales paired with awesome coupons, you can usually get some really great deals! They also have an outlet store nearby (in Williamsburg, VA), though their regular stores usually have the same great deals! The exception is that the outlet often has several $0.99 racks to hit up! I also always try to by at the end of this season for next season (i.e. I buy next summer's shorts when they are on clearance at the end of this summer, I pair the clearance sale with an awesome coupon and get a really great deal!).

If you have a Children's Place credit card and use it regularly (I pay it off immediately each time I use it!), you automatically get a 10% off sticker to place on your card that is good until the following year. I usually spend enough at Christmas time to qualify for my sticker for the next year ... you can "stack" their coupons with this sticker, so when I do my "TAX FREE" shopping tomorrow, I will be getting 20% off + 10% off + 5% sales tax savings on top of their already great sales!! WOW! I can't wait!

So, with all that said and shared, here is a link to an awesome coupon for 20% off good through 9/1/10! Happy back to school shopping!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cloth Diapering

(Our son Jamie with his "stash" of cloth diapers!)

This is quite possibly our biggest money saving triumph ... and definitely my favorite! But warning ... it CAN be addictive!

You can easily spend around $2,000 on disposable diapers during the time that a baby spends in them, but did you know that there is a better (in my opinion) alternatve to throwing your hard earned money in the trash!?!? CLOTH DIAPERS!!

The average baby will use close to 10,000 disposable diapers in the first 3 or so years of life ... think of what that would look like in a landfill all stacked up ... gross! Now imagine all of the kids on your street, and all of those dipers in the landfill too, oh my goodness how they add up!! Thousands upon thousands of dirty, stinking diapers clogging our earth! Think of all the tens of thousands of dollars those disposable diapers cost as well ... might as well have just thrown that money right there in the landfill too!

For an investment of as little as $300 you could diaper your baby (multiple baby's for that matter) for that whole period of time, and avoid all that trash! Today's "modern" cloth diapers offer lots of different alternatives, from the old fashioned prefold type diapers and covers to waterproof all in one cloth diapers with velcro or snap closures.

With this first post on cloth diapering I wanted to plant the seed and get you thinking about it. There will be future posts about my adventures in cloth diapering where I will disuss the different alternatives, my favorites and what has worked best for us. I encourage you to look into it and please ask questions if you have them. There is a button here on my blog for kelly's closet ... she has a wealth of information on her site and she is also a retailer of some of my favorite brands of cloth diapers.

Stay tuned for future cloth diapering posts!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


My name is Lisa. My family and I live in Powhatan, VA ... just west of Richmond. I am a busy mom of 3 (possibly more in the future). Joshua is 6, Jaycie is almost 5, and Jamie is 2. I am a registered nurse and work full time as a school nurse at the middle school here in our county. My wonderful husband, Jason, also works full time. He is a department supervisor (middle management) for The Home Depot at a local store in our area. We are your average, ordinary all American family just living day to day and doing all that we can to make ends meet, all while trying to pay off debt and save what we can. This blog will cover lots of things from our everyday life to ways we try to manage and save money. Our way may not be the right or only way, but I will share what does and does not work for us, our triumphs and failures if you will. Please check back frequently for my latest updates. I look forward to every question and comment, as I am always looking for advice and suggestions from others as well!